Why I Wrote “Rethink”

Out Now!

How Do You Rethink Your Life

Rethink provides the tools and framework readers will need to question the norms around them, challenge their own current thinking, and smash the preconceived notions about themselves that can so often hold them back from realizing their goals and dreams. Readers will learn how to take a hands-on approach to examining and rethinking their own personal and professional lives in order to recognize a fuller potential.

“Dr. Andi Simon’s groundbreaking book Rethink is a MUST read! By presenting eleven incredible women’s inspiring stories, the author smashes the myths of women in business. Every leader, regardless of industry, needs to read this book! If you’re a woman seeking a path in the business world, this is THE book to read, absorb and then put into practice. Insightfully written, boundary breaking, a sure best-seller!”

Elia Gourgouris PhD, Author of #1 Best-Selling book 7 Paths to Lasting Happiness

“With a surgical precision, Rethink disembowels pernicious myths that propped up the glass ceiling. Rethink is not just stories of visionary female leaders, it is more than a systematic study of their leadership styles or a deconstruction of their successes. Rethink is a powerful narrative for a new culture.”

Dr. Max Teplitski, Chief Science Officer, Produce Marketing Association

“We can do anything we put our minds to, and the stories featured in Andi Simon’s Rethink are proof of this. I recommend this book to any woman looking for role models or inspiration for success. Keep planning, learning, and working towards your goals. Continue being unapologetically ambitious.”

Shellye Archambeau, Board Director, Advisor and Author of Unapologetically Ambitious